I'm Prof. Dr. Torsten Schön
Computer Vision for Intelligent Mobility Systems
- E-mail Torsten.Schoen@thi.de
- Phone +49 841 9348-2335
- Address Esplanade 10, D-85049 Ingolstadt
- Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
I’m professor for Computer Vision for Intelligent Mobility Systems at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt since October 2020. If you are from research or industry and interested in a joint research project, do not hesitate to contact me.
Twitter section
Research interests
In this section, I will shortly present my research group and its activities
Open Positions
Bachelor/Master Thesis:
Applications for Bachelor and Master theses are always welcome.
Research Assistant:
- No open positions
Scientific Staff:
- Dominik Rößle
Bachelor/Master Thesis:
- Josef Schneid – Erfassung phänotypischer Merkmale bei Weizen mittels Deep Learning
- Hannah Schieber (Audi AG) – Camera and LiDAR based Deep Feature Fusion for 3D Semantic Segmentation
- Stefan Schiechel (ASAP Engineering GmbH) – Evaluation of Deep Learning Approaches for Monocular 3D Vehicle Detection
In my opinion, being a professor does not mean to be a superior person where students have to be thankful to learn from his or her extraordinary expertise. I see it the other way around, I am very thankful that there are some people who are interested in what I have to say, who are interested in my opinion and who are extremely motivated to learn something from me.
There are thousands of universities in the world, with even more thousands of different degrees to study, but some young people decide to come the THI and decide to attend my course. It is my debt to provide them with the best and most exciting lectures that I can offer.
If you are student at the THI, you can find all material at Moodle.
Current courses
- Programming 1 with Python in Autonomous Vehicle Engineering
- Bildverstehen in Künstliche Intelligenz
- Machine Learning as elective for all computer science degrees
Work Experience
Contact Me
Feel free to contact me
- E-mail torsten.schoen@thi.de
- Phone +49 841 9348-2335
- Address Esplanade 10, D-85049 Ingolstadt